Research Software Engineers in the Geosciences at #EGU18
The #EGU18 townhall meeting "TM13 Research Software Engineers in the Geosciences" brings together the people behind research software - Research Software Engineers (RSE) - on Thursday, April 12, 19:00-20:00 in Room L8. It introduces national RSE chapters and their activities and provides a place to meet fellow researchers, scientists and others developing software in and for research.

Let us know if you'll participate.

Read more at or get in touch with the organisers

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I'll join the RSE meeting at #EGU18. *
Your name *
Your institute or organisation *
Your e-mail address *
We'd like to keep you informed about the meeting.
Your expectations from this meeting
Is there anything you want to share in advance that should be considered by us for the meeting?
Your software projects
We're interested in what keeps you going. So let us know about your software projects, not only the older and well matured software but also software in the incubator. Drop a name, 1-3 lines of description and any reference that helps to understand what you're working on.
Present your work in a short talk *
We'd like to open the stage to all to introduce their work with a lightning talk which is exactly 1 slide and 90 seconds to present your work related to software and research. Do you want to let others know what you do or share your ideas and experiences?
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