Official Bike Advocacy Partner
Everything is better together! That's why we're excited about your interest in joining the League of American Bicyclists and hundreds of other bicycling advocacy groups across the U.S. by becoming an Official Love to Ride Bicycle Advocacy Partner.  

Love to Ride is giving 10% of the revenue they generate from their 'Love to Ride for Business' program to their Official Advocacy Partners. The more business that we get signed-up in your area the more revenue you will generate for your organization. Love to Ride will provide you with some great promotional materials, social media graphics and template text to make spreading the word to riders and businesses easy.

To start the process, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please give us a shout any time.  

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Email *
Organization *
What geographical area does your organization cover? *
Street Address - First Line
Street Address - Second Line
City *
State   *
Zip Code *
Contact Person *
Phone Number (xxx)xxx-xxxx *
Email *
Organization Size *
Approximate Membership Size
Which of the following communications channels do you use (check all that apply)
Link to your Facebook page:
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