Awana Club Registration (2023-2024)
AWANA is an international, Bible-centered youth ministry for pre-school through fifth grade. Our goal is to reach boys and girls, and their families, with the gospel of Christ and train them to server Him. The acronym “AWANA” comes from the first letters of the phrase “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”. (2 Timothy 2:15).  Join us on Wednesday Nights (Starting September 20) from 6:30-8:00 for AWANA!
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Family Last Name *
Parent/Guardian First Name(s) *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Family Address: Street Address *
Family Address: City *
Family Address: Zip *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Family Home Church *
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: As a parent and/or guardian, I understand that participation in Awana involves risk of sickness, bodily injury, death, emotional injury, personal injury, property damage and financial damage. As a parent and/or guardian, I accept responsibility for all risks associated with my child’s participation in First Baptist Children’s ministry programs and agree not to hold First Baptist Church, its Board, Staff or Volunteers responsible for illness or injury sustained during Awana activities. To the best of my knowledge my child is healthy and free of symptoms indicating illness in order to participate in these children’s ministries activities. As a parent and/or guardian, I do here with authorize treatment under the direction of any licensed physician of the following minor(s) in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his or her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment, or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me by phone at the number provided above. The undersigned assumes the responsibility for any costs connected with such treatment and hereby releases the church where child(ren) attends Awana Club from any liability therefore.  This release form is completed and signed of my own free will with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances in my absence. *
E-Signature: Please type Parent/Guardian name to agree to the above statement. *
Indicate below if First Baptist Church of Allegan has permission to post my child’s/children's picture or video on the church website and/or The First Baptist Church of Allegan Facebook page. I understand that my child’s/children's name will not be used in conjunction with his or her picture. I agree to hold First Baptist Church of Allegan, its officers, employees, the photographer, and volunteers free and harmless from all claims and liability relating to said photos when used with in the scope described above. *These permissions will remain in effect until otherwise notified.  You may revoke this permission at any time by calling the church office. *
Family Physician (Name, Office/Hospital and Phone) *
Additional Emergency Contact:  If Parent/Guardian is unreachable please contact the following person (name and phone number) *
Individuals authorized to pick up your child/children from AWANA (Please list name and phone number) *
Do you have a child that will be checked into the nursery during Wednesday night programing?  *
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