Sponsor a SEE US Student! 
Thank you so much for your potential sponsorship!  You are what makes our work possible!

If you would like support or to have your questions answered, please contact us at seeus@wegadvocacy.com or 301-681-6233.

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Are you a new or existing sponsor? *
Which level of student advocacy would you like to sponsor? *
If Other, please insert your sponsorship dollar amount.
Would you like to hear about the impact from your Sponsorship! *
Do you have a child in mind for your sponsorship?
If you have a child you would like to refer for your sponsorship, please encourage them to apply and, if they are accepted, we will apply the funds to them.  If not, we will assign your sponsorship to another child and provide you with general information about them and the impact of your support!
If you do have a child in mind, please provide us their name.  This way, if they are accepted, we can connect their case to your sponsorship!  (If you do not have a child in mind, please enter "none.")
Contact info
Tells us about you!
Your name *
Organization Name
Phone number *
E-mail *
Preferred contact method *
Questions and comments: 
OR Contact SEE US Directly at SEEUS@WEGAdvocacy.com
Next Steps:  Upon receipt of your form and donation, we will process your match and send you a donation receipt and "thank you!"  We so appreciate your sponsorship!
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