4 What's Next Registration Application
To purchase or renew one or more 4 What's Next program licenses, please submit this form and a Jordan Porco Foundation staff member will review your application. If approved, you will receive an invoice in the amount of $500 multiplied by the number of sites you are seeking licenses for. 1 license allows for unlimited use of the 4 What's Next program for at a single implementation site. You and any unique designated site contacts listed will receive invitations via the e-mail addresses provided to access the Facilitators web content at 4whatsnext.org. Access will expire 1 year from the date issued, unless alternate arrangements are made. If you wish to purchase more than 10 licenses at this time and/or would like to bundle and save with JPF's Check In program, please contact Leah Nelson at lnelson@jordanporcofoundation.org.
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Please include your information below
First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
Phone *
Your Organization Name *
Title/Affiliation *
Organization Street Address *
Organization City *
Organization State *
Organization Zip Code *
How did you hear about 4 What's Next? *
Which option best describes your intended use of the program? *
You can select more than one option
How many sites would you like to purchase licenses for? *
This form can collect details for up to 10 sites. If you are purchasing licenses for more than 10 sites, you will be asked to submit additional site details separately.
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