Alumni Mentorship Programme - Registration to be a Mentee

Welcome to our Alumni to Alumni Mentorship Program!

At AKUH, we firmly believe in the transformative power of mentorship to shape the future of healthcare. Our Mentorship Program effectively connects medical graduates with experienced alumni who are deeply committed to guiding and inspiring the next generation of medical professionals. 

Mentee Guidelines and Responsibilities

The mentee role is to seek guidance and constructive feedback on his/her professional development and career goals.

Mentee responsibilities:

  • Takes responsibility for keeping in regular contact with mentor and actively participates in the relationship.
  • Assesses academic/professional strength, learning and developmental needs, values, and short and long-term goals.
  • Develops a plan with mentor in achieving these goals.
  • Follows through on commitments and goals.
  • Respects the mentor’s time.
  • Maintain confidentiality at all times.
  • Openly shares success and failures.
  • Is receptive to feedback and coaching.
  • Takes advantage of opportunities presented by the mentor.

Full Name: *
Email *
Contact Number: *
Current Medical College/University?
Year of Postgraduate Study?
Medical specialization / Area of Interest?

Mentorship Preferences:

What are your primary goals for this mentorship program? (e.g., career guidance, skill development, networking, etc.)

Availability and Communication:

Preferred method of communication (e.g., email, phone, in-person /virtual meetings):

Availability for mentorship sessions (provide time slots or days of the week when you are available):

Additional Comments/Requests:

 I agree to abide by the program's guidelines and code of conduct.

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