2024 Green Crab Harvester Survey

Thank you for taking GreenCrab.org’s 2024 Harvester Survey! This survey is intended for commercial green crab harvesters and those involved in monitoring and removal efforts. 

The goal of this survey is to better understand global green crab (Carcinus maenas & Carcinus aestuarii) fisheries, mitigation efforts, harvester participation, seasonality, markets, and resources needed. 

Results of this survey will be shared publicly on GreenCrab.org's website but names, emails, and demographic information will remain anonymous to protect LGBTQ participants. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more

First & Last Name or Organization:

Email: *
Are you a commercial harvester (sells green crabs) or somebody who traps as part of a removal effort? *

State/ Province: 

Country: *
City (where you trap green crabs) *
Do you identify as LGBTQ?
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If you answered yes above, are you interested in connecting with other LGBTQ harvesters in a closed anonymous group?
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What other species do you harvest (wild & aquaculture)? *
How many years have you been trapping green crabs? *
Are you currently trapping green crabs?
If you are currently trapping green crabs, what date did you start harvesting this year?
What months do you anticipate trapping green crabs this year?
During the 2023 season, during what months did you trap green crabs?
During the 2022 season, during what months did you trap green crabs?
If you were to estimate, how many pounds of green crab did you trap in 2023?
If you were to estimate, how many pounds of green crab did you trap in 2022?
In what habitat(s) do you most frequently trap green crabs?
In the past 5 years, have you noticed an increase in the number of green crabs in your area? *
What are your markets for green crab?

This question only applies to commercial harvesters
What states/provinces/territories do you sell green crabs to (direct and wholesale)? For outside of the US and CA, fill in "Other". 

This question only applies to commercial harvesters
Who do you primarily sell green crabs to? Select all that apply:

This question only applies to commercial harvesters
In what increments do you normally sell hard-shell green crabs? Select all that apply:

This question only applies to commercial harvesters
If selling for bait in the United States, what is your average price per pound (US $) for green crabs?

This question only applies to commercial harvesters
If selling for culinary use in the United States, what is your average price per pound (US $) for green crabs?

This question only applies to commercial harvesters
If selling for bait in Canada, what is your average price per pound (CA $) for green crabs?

This question only applies to commercial harvesters
What types of traps do you use for green crabs?
What types of bait do you use to trap green crabs?
What type of boat do you use to haul green crabs or do you trap from a dock? Select all that apply.
Have you seen an increase in restaurants interested in purchasing your green crabs in the past 5 years?
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What's a big challenge you face as a green crab harvester?

How can GreenCrab.org improve harvester resources?

If you are not currently listed on the Where to Buy green crabs page, would you like to be? This question only applies to commercial harvesters. 
Our biggest thanks to Julie Kuchepatov of Seafood and Gender Equality, John Painter of Maine Green Crabs, and harvester Jesse Roche for helping us draft and revise this survey
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