Middlesex U12 and U13 County Netball Tournament 2024/2025 Season
Please complete the below form to enter U12 and/or an U13 Team into the County Tournament. Tournament is taking place on Tuesday 4th March at Highgate School, Mallinson Sports Centre. It is estimated to start at 1.00pm and finish at 5.15pm, but this will be dependant on number of entries.
Email *
Name of Head of Netball/ Person responsible for entries: *
Email of Head of Netball/ Person responsible for entries: *
Back-up email for school contact: *
Telephone contact number for day of tournament: *
What teams would you like to enter: *
Payment is £15 per team. You team will not be secured a place until payment is made. All payment details are found on the Middlesex Schools Website. Confirm you understand payment needs to be made for your entry: *
You are required to provide an umpire for your matches. This can be a teacher from your school if they are competent, but that teacher will not be able to coach during the game they are umpiring. You will not be able to participate if you attend without someone to umpire. Please tick to acknowledge this: *
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