The ICULD Corpus Access Request Form (ReNeLDA Archive)
Thank you for your interest in the International Christian University Language Database (ICULD).

This access request form is for databases that are created under the ReNeLDA project with funds from IRC at AA-ken at TUFS.  

The ReNeLDA Archive can be accessed here:

Please fill this form. We will respond in 7 calendar days and send you links from where the sound files can be downloaded. Any inquiries about the database should be sent to:

Thank you very much,
Seunghun J. Lee, Dr./Mr.

Senior Associate Professor of LinguisticsInternational Christian University (Japan)

Adjunct Professor
University of Venda (South Africa)
IIT Guwahati (India)
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I agree to use the corpus only for my research project (Write the title of your project) *
I  agree to not publish the full recordings and transcriptions both online and offline, and to not publish any parts of text including persons’ names. *
I agree to not give any recordings or transcriptions to third parties including unrelated members of the research project named in the first clause. *
I  agree to acknowledge “ReNeLDA Archive of International Christian University Language Database (ICULD)” in my publications. *
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