RSVP to Sample Yoga Class and Get Consultation
In these times of stress, pollutants, and mental issues, the lifestyle based on Yoga brings immense benefits to the whole family - children, adults and seniors. This is the mission of the International Yoga Day that is observed on June 21st from 4-8pm at our lovely venue in Willowbrook off Kingery Rd.
Join us to explore yoga for your physical and mental health. You can learn, ask questions of our experts, have 1:1 consultations for your specific issues, and sample many classes ranging from daily yoga routine, breathing, therapeutic yoga, relaxation routines, etc. 
And it is all FREE!
Register yourself so you get a confirmed spot! 
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Name *
Email *
Yoga Experience *
How many family members will you come with? *
How many children/teenagers will you bring? *
Choose the reasons you are looking for Yoga (select as many as you wish) *
Do you wish for a 1:1 Consultation with one of our Yoga experts? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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