How sustainable is your studio practice?
We are developing a practical guide generated through open-source discussions with artists and art professionals about sustainable studio practices, in order to identify the tools and systems required for lower-impact artistic practices.

We have put these questions together to better understand the motivations and barriers that artists may face when seeking to reduce the environmental impact of their studio practice.

This survey should not take more than 10min. Deadline for completion is 30 March 2021.
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We are currently analysing the 131 responses we received. We will present the result of this survey in September 2021 in a public discussion. Please subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.
Q1. First and last name.
Q2. Where are you based?
Q.3 How would you describe your artistic practice?
Please include the medium(s) you work in.
Q4. How invested are you in confronting issues of human impact on the environment?
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Q5. What environmental issues do you actively care about?
Pick all that apply.
Q6. Have you ever stopped using a material because it was harmful to the environment?
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Which one(s)?
If you answered 'yes' or 'currently' to Q.6
Did you successfully find an alternative material?
If you answered 'yes' or 'currently' to Q.6
What prevented you from doing so?
If you answered 'no'.
Q7. How much waste does your practice involve?
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Q8. How easy do you think it would be to reduce this amount?
Not easy
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Q9. Do you have examples of situations in which you have successfully reduced the waste created as a result of your practice?
Q10. How do you commute to the studio?
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Q11. Would you consider sharing your studio if it was big enough?
For environmental reasons.
Q12. Can the insulation of your studio be improved?
In order to reduce heating consumption.
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Q13. Based on your current practice, what more do you think you can do to reduce your carbon footprint in the studio?
Q14. Is there something stopping you from doing so?
For example, you might want to recycle more but you are unable to pay for commercial recycling or you might feel time pressure.
Q15. Finally, is there anything about your efforts to reduce the impact of your studio practice that you would like to share with us?
Such as concerns, comments, tips, recommendations, suggestions, ideas, thoughts etc.
Would you be interested in participating in an online discussion to discuss these topics?
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If so, or to receive further information about greening art practices, please enter your email address below.
Thank you for your participation.

Your feedback are incredibly helpful and important resource for us to better understand the motivations and barriers artists may face when seeking to reduce the environmental impact of their studio practice.

If you would like to share this survey with other artists — whether they have an interest in environmental sustainability or not — we would love to hear from them.
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