Charitable Donation Request Form
To request a charitable donation from University Lodge #408 A.F. & A.M., please fill out and submit the form below. All charitable donation requests will be first reviewed by the Committee on Charity. The committee may then choose to move forward with the donation, decline the donation request, or bring the request before the entire lodge for further discussion.*
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Organization Name *
Organization Mission (please briefly describe what the organization does or who they serve) *
Do you have a connection to organization? *
If "Yes," describe your connection to organization
Is there a connection to Carrboro or Chapel Hill? *
If "Yes," describe local connection
Is there a connection to Freemasonry? *
If "Yes," describe connection to Freemasonry
What is your connection to Freemasonry? *
What is your connection to University Lodge #408 AF&AM, if any? *
What kind of public visibility should the lodge expect, if making a donation to this organization? *
Please provide your contact information (name, email, phone number) *
* The following organizations are not required to fill out this Charitable Donation Request Form: Masonic Home for Children at Oxford; WhiteStone; Orange County Sheriff's Office "Shop with a Sheriff"; Fellowship Lodge #687 Annual Golf Tournament; Durham VA Health Care System "Holiday Shoeboxes for Veterans." Instead, e-mail
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