Academic Support Contract:
Class Code : p37oe4a
South Windsor High School is thrilled to offer an Academic Support Center (ASC) for our students who may be struggling to complete their assignments. The Academic Support Center (ASC) is:
An after school program that allows students to tackle their school work in a structured environment facilitated by dedicated, certified teachers, as well as an experienced group of student tutors.
Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:00- 3:30 in Room 122A beginning the week of September 27, 2021. If a student is not able to attend on any particular day, the parent must contact Mrs. Barrett or note it on this form. Please note that by signing up your child, they are making an 8 week commitment and attendance will be taken. Students that have more than one absence may be removed from the program.
This program is offered at no cost to students and families.
Student responsibilities:
❒ Students are responsible for signing in each day
❒ Students will arrive to the ASC and will complete a goal sheet with the ASC Staff to outline their goals- a list of assignments they intend on completing during the afternoon session. A copy of the goal sheet will be sent home so the parents can see what the student completed during the session and what still needs to be completed at home. If the student has completed all their work, they can free-read- they cannot play computer games.
❒ Inappropriate, disruptive or non-compliant behavior will not be accepted and may result in removal from the program.
❒ Agree as a family (especially the student) to take advantage of the opportunity the ASC offers by attending each session and using this time effectively.
❒ Schedule after-school appointments so they do not conflict with the afternoons the program is in session.
❒ The ASC advisor will contact the parent listed below to give updates on student success and struggles.
❒ Contact Mrs. Barrett either by calling 860.648.5000 or e-mailing when student will not attend a session.