New Student Survey
Thank you for inquiring about the service for Ming Dao School.  Please fill in the following form so we can understand your needs.
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Email *
Your Name *
Connect with us on LinkedIn -> More -> Connect and list your LinkedIn profile below *
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If you use WeChat, add coach Ken Lin using ID "codenation", and list your WeChat ID below
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What are your goals for joining the coaching program with Ming Dao School? *
Your current situation *
Your level
Clear selection
Coaching program you are interested in
Your target increase in total annual compensation in dollar terms if you are successful in your next promotion or new job. *
Your short term career goal
within 3 months
within 6 months
within a year
within 2 years
not considering at the moment
Improve technical skills
Improve interpersonal skills
Get a new job
Change a role (engineer, PM, sales)
Change the industry
Clear selection
Your long term career goal
Not important
Very important
leading and managing teams
product management
project management
financial freedom
community contribution
personal and family happiness
Clear selection
Safety and sense of belonging
Very unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Self confidence
Family support and relations
Financial security
Supported by community
Job security
Clear selection
For person in US only, do you require sponsorship of work visa to stay in United States?
Please send your resume to Make sure your email or name match this form. *
How did you learn about our service?
Other requests and suggestions
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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