Newlands Wine Society Sign-up 

Welcome to the Newlands Wine Society Sign up.
 Tabora Farm and Winery offers 2 membership based clubs to better meet our guests needs. In order to complete your membership please choose between the 2 club formats. 

Newlands Case Club membership- 
Membership to this club requires 1 case purchase at the time of entering. Your membership will be in affect for 12 months starting upon purchase date. 

Membership benefits include-
15% off all bottle purchases
Free tastings for yourself and 1 guest
Pre-release wine access
Discounted event tickets

Newlands Wine Society membership- 
Membership in the wine society is a subscription based society. A Bi-annual shipment of 6 wines will be delivered to your home or picked up at one of Tabora wine societies pick-up parties. 

Membership benefits include:
20% off wine purchases
10% off all Deli/bakery items (membership cards must be presented to use)
Free tastings for you and 1 guests
Pre-release wine access
Discounted event tickets
Access to our Bi-annual Pick up party- Members only (barrel tastings, tank tastings and light food will be provided.) 

Any Questions please reach out to any Tabora winery Team member or Call (607)678-4343

Email *
Name *
Email *
Billing Address *
Phone Number *
Club membership *
*Society member*   Preferred method of shipment  *
Preferred Method of contact *
I consent and understand that my membership of either club is for a term of 1 year.  *
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