If you are interested in reffing this upcoming spring recreational season we are more than happy to have you.
All refs must be 13 (or turning 13 this year) or older. We highly recommend for you to get
certified if you haven't already but it is not required. Refs are required to have a Ref shirt (any color but lime or royal blue. Yellow is standard), a whistle, ref wallet with game cards and tennis shoes/cleats for every game they sign up for. We will provide AR flags.
Pay structure:
Center Refs $25
Assistant Refs $15
Payment will be received when score cards are handed in after the refs last game. Payment paid out in cash/check.
Games assignments are selected and signed up for by the ref through a google sheet. Assignments are first come first serve. We ask that the more confident refs sign up for the U12 center ref positions as this is an older group and a bigger field.
If for any reason you sign up for a game but are unable to attend at the last minute PLEASE be sure to contact Brandi Austin brandi@ssusasoccer.org or through text 2317693965 as soon as possible so a replacement can be found.
Please download the SportYou app and use the code EU8M-GV3G as this is where all Rec updates will be shared.
If you have any questions please reach out to Brandi@ssusasoccer.org.