RSVP Career Paths Informational Series - Session 3
Current MSSE students and alumni are invited to join the third presentation of our Career Paths Informational Series, where we will host a panel of MSSE alumni to talk about their career paths, with a focus on entrepreneurship! We'll hear from alumni about their experiences, challenges and tips when it comes to starting a business and navigating your own career path. Come learn from these incredible panelists! 

David Anderson - Cohort 1
Ariana Shives - Cohort 4
Janice Lee - Cohort 5
Marcela Riddick - Cohort 7

Please RSVP with your attendance to the 3rd session of the Series, which will be held over Zoom on March 30, 2023 from 2:30 - 3:30 PM

Please submit any questions you would like addressed in the meeting in the space provided below. 

Zoom link to attend our virtual meeting:
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