OFE Non-Restaurant Agreement Form
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Welcome! Thank you for your interest in incorporating sustainability into your establishment's mission. Please fill out the entire form to apply for certification. Send any questions to ofe@plasticoceanproject.org
Your Establishment's Name (As you want it to appear on the certificate.): *
Your Establishment's Address:
In which area are you located? There are different OFE chapters for different areas. *
Owner or Signee's Name: *
Establishment Signee's Email: *
Establishment Signee's Phone Number: *
In order to apply for our basic certification as an Ocean Friendly Establishment, you must list at least ONE business practice you have adopted to reduce single-use disposable plastics. In the space below list one sustainable, waste reducing practice you have adopted. *
OFE Star Rating System
As a certified OFE, you have the opportunity to earn our highest rating as a 5-star establishment! In the next box, list your business' sustainable practices. The OFE committee will review the list and award your establishment with a star rating. The rating system is based on the number of ocean friendly practices implemented (as noted below).

Star Levels:
1 Star = 2-3 Ocean Friendly Business Practices
2 Stars = 4-5 Ocean Friendly Business Practices
3 Stars = 6-7 Ocean Friendly Business Practices
4 Stars = 8-9 Ocean Friendly Business Practices
5 Stars = 10+ Ocean Friendly Business Practices

Examples of ocean friendly practices in non-restaurant establishments include the use of electronic documentation and correspondence when possible, double-sided documents when material must be printed, light switches on motion timers, air dryers in bathrooms, cigarette recycling or disposal receptacles, proper recycling/compost bins, and many more.
List any other practices/policies your business has in place that are "ocean-friendly." For every 2 practices listed, you will earn 1 star. You may earn a maximum of 5 stars. You may separate each practice with a comma (,) or number each practice (1.,2.,3.).
By electronically signing, I acknowledge all of the following. Please CHECK ALL BOXES to receive an OFE certification.
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