Pi Commerce Hackathon Registration Form
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Email *
Pi Username *
What role best describes you?
If you are a software engineer, briefly describe your skills and experience, including language proficiencies.
What is your country/region? 
Do you intend to be a team leader? The team leader for each app team will be responsible for creating a Github repository, assigning technical work, reviewing code and approving pull requests, coordinating team members, keeping the team on track for development milestones, creating the app in the Pi Developer Portal, and submitting the app at the end of the hackathon, among other responsibilities.
By clicking “Agree”, you consent to Pi sharing your Pi username and other information submitted in your Hackathon registration, such as email address, country/region, and coding experience, with other Hackathon registrants for purposes of facilitating the event and creation of teams.

Personal information you provide to us in connection with your Hackathon registration will be used for purposes of facilitating this and future Hackathon events.  For additional information on how we process and share your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy (https://socialchain.app/privacy).”
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