Request to attend in-person: May 8, 2021 Special Board Meeting
Please note: In person attendance will be at limited capacity as the district is required to follow health department guidelines and will be based on the order received until capacity is reached. Guests attending in person will be asked to complete a Health Screening Attestation Form, participate in temperature screening, wear a proper face covering and maintain appropriate social distancing. To facilitate the arrival process, the attestation form is available to download and complete before entering the boardroom. Blank forms will also be available at the meeting.

In addition, in order to conduct in-person meetings, the district is required to collect information solely for the purpose of assisting public health authorities with contact tracing, should contact tracing be necessary. This information is NOT subject to public disclosure or public records request; it will only be used for the purpose of contact tracing by public health officials, if necessary, and will be destroyed after 28 days.

Buy submitting this form, you are requesting to attend the May 8, 2021 Special Board Meeting in person.
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