Free Teen Mental Health Assessment/Counseling  Registration


Every Tuesday in July,  9 AM-12 PM

Service Provided:

Mental health screening for depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder) and other mental health disorders for teens (13-17 years old)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name:  *
Email & Phone number 电邮及电话 *
Gender 性別 *
Age 年齡 *
Home Zip Code 家庭郵政編碼 *
Race/Ethnicity  種族/族裔 *
Asian Race/Ethnicity subgroups 亞裔族群 (Required by funder Asian American Healht Initiative)
I am interested to have counseling in the following areas 我希望咨詢關於下面內容的信息 (可多選):
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