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Portland’s UnShul was designed to engage the Jewish soul with the best that Portland has to offer. Two Shabbat mornings a month we greet the Divine in community through lyrical prayer and Torah discussion infused with insights from nature and Jewish mysticism. One Friday night a month we welcome Shabbat in people’s homes, nourishing ourselves with prayer, study and a wonderful pot luck meal. Our Holy Days and life cycle celebrations are drenched with love, relevance and beauty. Our commitment to social, economic, racial and gender justice is the foundation of all we do. Our rabbi and members attend rallies, marches, City Council hearings and more as if our lives depended on it--because they do! To become a sustaining member, use this formula: If Total Household Income is more than $30,000, dues are 2% of adjusted gross income, with a cap of $3,000 annually.  If Total Household Income is $20,001-$30,000, dues are 1.5%. If Total Household Income is $20,000 or less, dues are 1%. Dues can be paid in a lump sum or in monthly payments.  If you do not feel you can step into full membership at this time, we ask an annual donation of $200-360 (which can also be paid in monthly installments) to support our Social Justice Fund and save you a seat for High Holidays. Of course, we will continue our policy of turning no-one away for lack of funds.
Use this formula to calculate your contribution:
AGI (line 37 on 1040 tax form)__________X .02/.015/.01=_________(yearly contribution)/12=________(monthly contribution)
Name *
Address *
Phone number *
Email *
Donation amount
Make your donation one of three ways:
By personal check:  Please send your check made to “As the Spirit Moves Us” (not the UnShul) to Rabbah D’vorah at: 3651 SW Custer Street, Portland, OR 97219

By paypal:

By automatic bank draft:

Go to your bank’s web page and access your account.
Look for “Bill Pay” or similar in the menu.
Click on Bill Pay
Click that you want to set up a new vendor; enter
As The Spirit Moves Us, (as the vendor)
Enter the mailing address
3651 SW Custer St., Portland, OR  97219
Either on the same page or back at the main bill pay page (this differs for various banks)
Enter the amount of your monthly contribution
Enter that you want this to recur monthly (there is usually a box to check)
Enter the date of the month you want payments to be made
Please  let the UnShul treasurer know when to expect the first check, so that we can alert you if it does not come through.
Contact your bank for any further instructions.

If none of the above payment methods work for you, please let us know how we can facilitate your donation.
My donation begins
Donation will be
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I am interested and able to donate my time *
Do you have any questions or comments for the UnShul administration or treasurer? For questions or comments for our Rabbi, please contact Rabbah D'vorah directly by emailing
Thank you for joining us!  Expect weekly emails with our upcoming events.  You can also stay updated on our Facebook page:
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