LSSN Membership Application
Welcome to the Lynch Syndrome Screening Network (LSSN). LSSN membership is open to institutions or organizations that are interested in promoting routine tumor screening to evaluate for Lynch syndrome on all or a subset of newly diagnosed colorectal and/or endometrial cancers.

NOTE: Current LSSN members, if you want to maintain your membership, please be sure to check all fields for accuracy and make changes as necessary. Please input your organization's estimated or actual numbers of tumors screened to evaluate for Lynch syndrome during 2016, 2017, and 2018 as well as the total number of tumors screened since you began tumor screening, if available. The application has been pre-populated with data from 2016, so please ensure the information is correct.

Once you submit your form you should save the link at the end because you must use that link if you want to edit or fill in missing data at a later time.
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