Journey Beyond Accounting - Entry Questionnaire
Thank you for diving into this adventure!. Thank you for choosing to invest in yourself and your personal & professional growth. Journey Beyond Accounting is the group within the RoundtableLabs community where we will be focusing on the topics specific to professionals who have left behind compliance accounting in favor of coaching, consulting, teaching, writing, and other avenues "beyond accounting."

So often we find ourselves in the company of accounting professionals talking about apps, compliance, and strategies that no longer apply to us. We need a space where we can be with others who have moved beyond those topics. In JBA we will get to go deep with peers who share our experience and work together to build businesses doing bigger things in the world, and encouraging each other to discern and reach our next level goals.

In order to begin with the best foot forward, it would help me to know where you are in your current journey and what areas of focus will be most impactful for you starting off.              

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you and introducing you to our other members!

Many Thanks,
Ingrid Edstrom
Priestess Of Profits
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Your Name *
Phone Number *
The story of your business:   *
Please tell me a bit about your business! What were you doing in accounting, why and how did you start to transition away from accounting, and what services are you offering now?
Strengths and Growth Areas: *
What are the areas in which you really excel? What are you struggling with? What would be the most effective ways to support you as you choose to grow and change?
Top Success Barrier #1 *
Potential goal to transform barrier #1 *
Top Success Barrier #2
Potential goal to transform barrier #2
Your WHY: *
Does your company have a Vision? What is your superpower? Please share with me why you love doing what you are doing. It is OK if you don't have well thought-out answers yet. Type whatever comes to mind, and we can help you form your thoughts.
Pricing: *
Are you currently using hourly, fixed, or value pricing for your clients, or a mixed bag? How does your pricing feel to you? Do you feel like you are getting paid what you are worth? Are your clients receiving the best value from your services?
Niche and Target Market: *
Who are your favorite clients? Have you defined a niche? What are you currently doing to focus your marketing to replicate your best clients?
Team: *
Do you currently have employees or subcontractors? If not, do you want to? If yes, how is that working for you? What do you see as being your strengths and growth areas as a leader?
Other Questions and Concerns: *
Please list the things which you feel may be limiting you in your business. Do you have any concerns or hesitations about this program? What are the concerns or worries you have which prevent you from taking action to grow your business? What are the thoughts which get in the way of your success? Are there things you do which keep you busy and take time away from working on your business? This is your personal list. Feel free to write down as many as you can. Everything is important, no matter how trivial it might seem to you. Express yourself openly.
Our work together: *
Procrastination, avoidance, and perfectionism can happen at times when asked to step out of your comfort zone. Any of these will affect the outcome and your success toward reaching your goals. When there is resistance, it is important we address it. This will ensure you receive the best results possible. My approach is to hold up the "mirror" so that you can see where you may be standing in your own way, and give you an opportunity to work through your roadblocks with colleagues who are experiencing similar challenges. How do you feel about that?
Any other questions/concerns?
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