Application of Interest - Host-A-Hive
Before filling out this application, please review to info, terms, and details of this program on If you are interested in hosting honeybees at your community garden, business, or home, we would love to talk to you about it. Please fill out this form below if you are interested and we will reach back out to you. Please note: Applications do not guarantee hive placement. Inspection of the land and zoning criteria must be met before a hive can be considered for an install. Hives are then ordered and installed based on availability and funds.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Full Address of Intended Bee Site *
(Number, Street, City and Zip) Note: if you have more than one location/lot please fill out an additional form for each location.
What best describes this location? *
Do you own this property? *
Which of the following describes your potential beehive location? (check all that apply) *
Is anyone at the prospective hive location allergic to bees? *
Do you have young children? *
Have you kept bees before? *
How many hives are you considering? *
What is the best way to contact you? *
When is the best time to contact you? *
Which hosting option are you interested in? *
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