New Hampshire AFL-CIO Legislator Candidate Questionnaire
DEADLINE: Thursday, September 22nd at 3:00 PM

Congratulations on your campaign for the New Hampshire Senate or House of Representatives!

Every election cycle, the New Hampshire AFL-CIO endorses candidates up and down the ballot that are dedicated to the betterment of workers and their families. These endorsements are then sent to our entire membership throughout the Granite State. There are more than 100,000 eligible voters in union households in the state of New Hampshire. If you are interested in seeking the endorsement of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO, please fill out and submit the questionnaire below.

Once a questionnaire has been submitted we will present it to the New Hampshire AFL-CIO’s Legislative Committee, who will select the candidates for endorsement, and recommend this endorsement to the entirety of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO Executive Council. If the Executive Council votes to approve the Legislative Committee’s recommendation for endorsement, the candidate will be informed of their endorsement by our organization immediately.

We thank you for your engagement in the democratic process and look forward to your response. Together, we look forward to a successful election that will advance the issues most important to union families – jobs, healthcare, and economic security. 
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First Name
Untitled Title
Last Name
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Do you currently hold or have you previously held public office(s)? Describe:
Have you received an AFL-CIO endorsement in the past? If so, for which office(s)?
Official Campaign Committee Name
Campaign Address
Campaign Manager
Cell Phone
Are you now or have you ever been a union member? Union(s) and local(s)?

Do you support the rights of workers to organize and collectively bargain with their employers over wages, benefits, and work conditions?

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Will you oppose “right to work” and other laws to prohibit labor organizations and public or private sector employers from negotiating contracts that ensure all covered employees fairly share the administrative costs of servicing their collective bargaining agreement?

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Will you oppose efforts by the New Hampshire legislature to make it illegal for union dues to be voluntarily deducted from a worker’s paycheck?

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Do you support the right of public and private sector labor organizations to recover the cost of contract administration by collecting agency fees – also called “fair share” or “service” fees – from employees who benefit from the protections of a collective bargaining agreement, but choose not to join the union?

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Will you oppose efforts to weaken the New Hampshire Retirement System, and reject legislation to eliminate defined-benefit pension plans or reduce benefits for future members, current members and retirees?

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Will you support legislation to restore and gradually raise the New Hampshire minimum wage to at least $15.00/hour?

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Will you oppose legislation that would directly or potentially exclude more workers from existing wage & hour and workers’ compensation protections by making it easier for businesses to misclassify employees as independent contractors?

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Will you support allocation of funding to increase the number of wage & hour enforcement and workplace safety inspectors at the New Hampshire Department of Labor?

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Would you support state legislation to guarantee overtime eligibility for all workers making less than $51,000 per year?

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Prevailing wage laws have helped maintain wage standards and guarantee high-quality work on Taxpayer-funded projects across the country. Would you support legislation establishing prevailing wage laws in New Hampshire?

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Will you support legislation to establish “best value” procurement standards for state-funded construction projects? Unlike lowest-bid procurement standards, best value practices consider a contractor’s past performance on similar projects, history of cost overruns, record of legal, labor and safety violations and other qualifying factors during the selection process.

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Would you oppose efforts to undermine the use of project labor agreements?

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Will you support legislation requiring all contractors on state-funded projects to pay livable wages, based on actual cost of living estimates?

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Would you support legislation at the state level that sought to revitalize our energy and manufacturing sectors by building and expanding wind and solar energy infrastructure, with New Hampshire workers filling those jobs created by such initiatives?

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Would you support legislation to strengthen the OSH Act at the state level, extend OSHA coverage to all New Hampshire workers, strengthen whistleblower protections and enhance OSHA’s enforcement programs?

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Will you support legislation to stop employers from using personal credit history information in employment decisions, except in special circumstances?

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Would you support legislation to address the problems of workplace violence in New Hampshire?

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Would you support legislation to provide paid family and medical leave benefits in New Hampshire?

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Will you support legislation to expand access to earned paid sick days for the 39% of New Hampshire workers who do not have paid sick leave as an employer benefit?

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Would you support state legislation that embodies the principles of the American Families Plan by increasing access to improved childcare and providing better financial assistance to families and providers?

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Would you oppose changes that weaken the employer shared responsibility requirements of the ACA?

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Do you agree that the Federal government has a role in education to see that schools provide a free and appropriate education for all students without discrimination including to historically marginalized or disadvantaged groups? Do you think the federal government provides adequate funding for this purpose?

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Regarding the previous question, do you think the federal government provides adequate funding for this purpose?

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Do you oppose vouchers and other proposals that allow taxpayer dollars to be used for private and religious schools at the K–12 level, whether as a limited experiment or a full-scale program?

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Should all schools, programs and education service providers that accept vouchers through “freedom accounts” or “business tax credit scholarships” have to follow strict non-discrimination laws, as well as provide academic and spending accountability to the NH legislature.

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Would you oppose legislation that sought to limit or censor classroom teaching or discussion of honest history and current events including topics such as: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and other forms of discrimination, labor history and class structure and their impact on the economy?

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Would you oppose legislation such as the 2022 Legislative Session’s House Bill 1431, establishing a parental bill of rights, which would have required schools to notify parents of a number of developments with their children, including trips to the nurse’s office, changes in extra-curricular activities, as well as gender identity and gender expression information?

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Will you support legislation to create a state tax credit for motion picture and television production companies that film on location in New Hampshire? 

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Will you oppose laws that make it harder for citizens to exercise their right to vote, and support laws to expand voting access?

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Will you support legislation to allow no-excuse absentee balloting in the State of New Hampshire?          

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