BYP Leadership Conference Volunteer Registration Form. 

Volunteer for the BYP Leadership Conference!

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers for our flagship conference coming up this October 5th, at the Mermaid Theatre London. It’s a great way to gain experience for your CV, learn practical skills in event management and operations, take away key insights from the conference itself, network with influential figures and make friends with your peers.  

Every year our group of volunteers do an amazing job helping out and supporting other Black professionals. Contact us via to find out more. BYP will provide food/refreshments and t-shirts on the day. 

You'll be sent a confirmation email if you've been selected to volunteer by the 28th September 2023. 

*Volunteers has to be London-based. 

Email *
First and Last Name *
Age (Must be over 18) *
Interests and Skillset *
Please tick you are based in London, as the conference is based in London. 
Address: The Mermaid London, Puddle Dock, London EC4V 3DB, United Kingdom
LinkedIn Profile (Please insert a link) *
T-shirt Size *
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