Philippine Philosophy Anthology
We are a group of six Filipina and Filipinx philosophers editing an anthology of Philippine philosophy. It will include re-prints of published pieces alongside original chapters and commentaries. We are open to works written in English, Filipino, Cebuano, Ilokano, and other Philippine languages. We are looking for nominations for:
a) Texts that you consider to be "classic" examples of Philippine philosophy
b) Contemporary texts by Filipina/x/o philosophers
c) Names of contemporary Filipina/x/o philosophers you would like us to approach (feel free to nominate yourself!)

If you have access to a copy of a text you nominated, please leave your name and email address so that we can contact you.
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What are texts you consider to be "classic" examples of Philippine philosophy? Enter as many references as you want.
What are examples of contemporary Philippine philosophy? Enter as many references as you want.
Name one or more philosophers who could write an original contribution for this anthology (this could include you!).
Would you be willing to discuss one of your suggestions on a philosophy podcast?
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If you would like us to contact you, please leave your name and email address.
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