RESTORE OUR CITY: A march, rally, and community conversation to heal from gun violence
On June 4, 2022 from 11am to 3pm survivors of gun violence, community leaders, elected officials, and service providers will rally to end gun violence and heal our city from its long-lasting traumas.

The event will kick off at 11am with a short list of speakers at Temple ER and then leave at 11:30am to travel to the Broad/Germantown/Erie Triangle.

Community conversations and resource tables will commence from 12pm-3pm at the 3700 Block of Germantown Avenue.

Register below to join us to restore peace, justice, and healing to our communities-- all are welcome!

The event is hosted by the Office of Councilmember Kendra Brooks in partnership with Jefferson Health Magee Rehabilitation and ThinkFirst Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, who provide essential services to survivors of gun violence.

Event partners include: Council President Darrell Clarke, State Senator Sharif Street, Congressman Dwight Evans, Taylor Memorial Baptist Church, Frontline Dads, Philadelphia Ceasefire, NOMO Foundation, TaylorMade Opportunities, Philadelphia PAAN Anti-Drug Anti-Violence Network, Councilmember Helen Gym, CURE Violence, and Purple House Project.

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