SafeWaterkloof Patrol Register
Thank you for supporting the community patrolling initiative
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I would like to sign up as a SafeWaterkloof Community Patroller *
Full Name *
Cell Number *
Email Address *
Physical Address *
ID Number *
I'm going to patrol the following area *
Indemnity Form
Sector 2 of Brooklyn SAPS

I, the undersigned with ID number hereby agree that participation in any CPF and community activities are done voluntarily and on my own risk.

I indemnify all individuals, organizations and parties involved and assign from any claim, action, liability, loss, damage or suit arising from my involvement and participation in CPF and community activities.

Where any claim is asserted, I, the undersigned shall provide the Indemnitees with reasonably timely notice of same in writing. Thereafter, the Indemnitees shall have full rights to defend, pay or settle said claim on their own behalf without notice to the undersigned for all fees, costs, and payments made or agreed to be paid to discharge said claim.
I have read and agreed to the Indemnity Form *
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