Clark County (IN) CISMA Survey
We would like to establish a Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) in Clark County, and we need your help. CISMAs are grassroots organizations that are formed to tackle invasive species at the local level. They can help partners to prioritize invasive management, cross landownership boundaries to survey and control invasive plants, and provide local education and outreach on invasive species.

Please complete this survey to help us understand who is willing and able to participate and what our priorities should be.

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I would describe myself as (mark all that apply) *
Rank your general knowledge of invasive species in Clark County:
No knowledge
Very knowledgeable
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Do you currently manage invasive species on your property or as part of your job?
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If you answered yes, what type(s) of invasives do you manage? (Mark all that apply)
Please mark areas of interest to you to manage invasive species (Mark all that apply).
Are you aware of any current or past efforts in Clark County to manage invasives?
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If you answered yes, please explain (who, where, species, etc.)
in your opinion, how aware is the general community of the threat posed by invasives?
Not aware at all
Very aware
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In your opinion, how much of a concern are invasives to the leadership of Clark County?
Great concern
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Rank the top three invasive species issues:
First choice
Second choice
Third choice
Invasive plants sold/planted for landscaping
Invasive plants spreading on public lands (parks, forests, etc.)
Invasive plants spreading on roadside/ right of way
invasive plants spreading on private lands
invasive insect pests in forests (ex: emerald ash borer)
Aquatic invasives hitchhiking between water bodies
Lack of invasive species regulations
Lack of public awareness on invasive species
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Choose the top 5 invasive species on our county
Invasive species can include plants, animals or insects, and can be terrestrial (on land) or aquatic (in water). Do you think our new CISMA should focus only on the terrestrial invasive plants, or include multiple invasive species in addition to terrestrial plants?
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What activities would you like to see a new CISMA do? (Mark all that apply).
As our new CISMA begins, we will be looking for leaders, volunteers, and experts.  Indicate which tasks you would like to do:
If you marked activities that you would be willing to help with, please provide your name, address, email, and phone contacts.
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