2. 精英簽證(官方)要求報名時繳5萬泰銖訂金並會在成功申請後在總數扣除,詳情看申請表格。
The Elite Visa (Official) requires a deposit of 50,000 Thai Baht upon registration, which will be deducted from the total amount upon successful application. For details, please refer to the application form.
3. * 所有最後成功申請費用將直接存入Thailand Privilege之官方指定泰國銀行戶口 (Thailand Privilege Card Company Limited 戶口號碼:170-0-127020),絕對與"窮退泰無憂"無關。
All membership fees for joining Elite will be directly deposited into the official designated bank account of Elite Visa in Thailand, and are in no way related to "Ahli and Fan".