RSVP   澳門至友協會慈善步行2017


* 6位蝙蝠俠夜神飛馳
* 2位水舞間A區門票

協會地址: 澳門南灣商業大馬路澳門財富中心5樓A座   Tel: (853) 8294 6894  Fax: (853) 8294 6895  Email: 
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2017年4月2日15:00開始登記      澳門西灣湖廣場(觀光塔對面)
2 April 2017   15:00 start for Registration Sai Van Lake (Opposite Macau Tower)
Terms and Conditions 參加者須知:
1. 請確保參加者的體格適宜參加慈善步行。
2.  參加者有責任照顧任何隨行之12歲以下小童。
3.  參加者不可攜帶或使用任何滾軸鞋/ 滑板
4. 如活動因天氣被迫取消,或參加者因任何原因自行退出,所有捐款將不獲退還。*
5. 本會於活動當日所拍攝之相片或影像,將用作宣傳及推廣用途。如參加者不欲本會使用其肖像,請與本會聯絡。
6. 參加者應穿上合適的衣服及鞋襪

1.  If you do not feel well, please do not attend the walk.
2.  It is the Participant's responsibility to take care of any accompanying Participant aged under 12.
3.  The Participant must not bring or use any roller skates/blade/skateboard.
4.  If the Walk is cancelled or postponed because bad weather condition, all donation collected and will not be returned to the Participants.
5.  The Participant should grant the Best Buddies Macao the right to photograph during the event and appearances made into photographs, sound, video or multi-media recordings in relation to the event and to use in perpetuity for promotion. If you do not wish to grant the right to us, please contact the us.
6. Please dress the comfortably and suitable for walk.
Group participants, please click the following to fill in the application form and return to us by email or fax. 如以團體形式參加,請點擊以下連結填寫報名表格並以電郵或傳真方式寄回本會。
Individual Application
Participant Name 參加者姓名 * *
Contact Number 聯絡電話 (Hope you provide this information for us to contact you, in case any changes 我們希望你提供,以便有臨時改變情況時可以通知你) *
Email Address 電郵地址 (Hope you provide this information for us to contact you, in case any changes 我們希望你提供,以便有臨時改變情況時可以通知你)
You are? 你是? *
Are you people with disabilities?你是否有特殊需要人士? *
Any pet? 會帶你的寵物嗎? *
Any child under 12 years old? 會帶12歲以下的小童參加嗎? *
Will you join the costume competition? 你會參加裝扮大賽嗎? *
Best Buddies Friendship Walk 2017-Costume Competition澳門至友協會慈善步行2017¬¬¬ 裝扮比賽

Best Buddies Friendship Walk 2017-Costume Competition

Purpose: To promote and express messages of Best Buddies, such as ‘social inclusion’ and ‘friendship’ by means of putting on creative costume during Friendship Walk
Theme: the theme of this year is Friendship
How to compete: Wear theme costume while participating the Walk, each team will be given one minute on stage to lobby for votes.
Register: You can choose to be a participant of Costume Competition while enroll for the Walk. you can also sign up on 19th Mar during 14:30 to 15:00 at the registration counter.

Competition Rules:
1. Please team up with at least 4 people. People with special needs are highly encouraged to participate. Pets can play a part also.
2. There is no restriction on costume materials, please prepare the costume yourselves, make up and style.
3. Participants of the Walk will vote for their favorite team. The top 3 highest scoring teams will be announced and winner teams will get prizes.

Voting criteria:
1. The presence of persons with special needs is encouraged;
2. Expressing the theme accurately;
3. Creativity is valued;
4. Participants will be disqualified if their costume are indecent or objectionable ;
5. Should any dispute arise, the decision of Best Buddies Macao Association shall be final.

澳門至友協會慈善步行2017¬¬¬ 裝扮比賽

報名:報名「2017 澳門至友協會慈善步行」時可同時確認參賽,或3月19日二時半至三時於參加者登記處向工作人員確認參賽
1. 比賽必須以至少4人為一組的形式參與,隊內成員可包括特殊人士或寵物;
2. 參賽的服裝、化妝、造型自行準備,裝扮的物料不限;
3. 活動當日由步行參加者為裝扮比賽的參賽組別進行投票,本會將即場點票並公佈優勝名單,得票最高的三組為優勝者,每組優勝者均可獲禮品一份;

1. 隊內成員包括特殊人士;
2. 裝扮合乎主題的程度;
3. 裝扮的創意的程度;
4. 若參加者的裝扮過於暴露或帶有不良意識,主辦單位有權取消該組的參賽資格;
5. 本會對是次比賽保留最終決定權

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