OC form for Soleila's evil evil plans
I have big and small plans for many projects, this will take some time and I would be greatful for any help I can get with creating some of them and gathering very specific informations. Especially since Twitter just doesn't work at this point.

I hope this will be fun enough to not be bother to any of you. (Also sorry for any spelling mistakes if there's any)
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Your twitter/bluesky *
1. Your OC name? *
2. Who is it? *
3. What weapon/skill do they use? (Includes outside of game things)
4. What everyday skill do they have (cooking, sewing, drawing etc.)
5. Anything you want to mention about their backstory? *
6. Choose time of day *
7. Choose oneĀ  *
8. In another life they would be *
9. What kind of place their soul longs for the most? *
10. What hunts them? *
11. Choose their regret *
12. Choose their simple joy *
13. Mandatory song lyrics question but I tried to not make it super obvious *
14. Any song you associate with them?
15. Do they have something sentimental that's really important to them(piece of jewerly, book, flowers etc.)? What and why? *
16. Share anything else you would like to say about them. From aesthetic to facts both silly and serious. It's your OC's tell me something you want to talk about. *
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