Recorded Workshops Registration Form
Please complete the form, ticking the workshops you would like to purchase.
You will have access for 30 days.
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Bank Transfer-
Please use a reference so we can track your payment
JPilates Limited
Account Number: 51564153
Sort Code: 40-41-43

Available Workshops *
Terms & Conditions
1 Receipt of deposit and signed registration form renders the student liable for payment of their full course
fees- subject to the limitations contained under the cancellation below
2 Full course fees are payable regardless of whether the student completes the course
3 Students who are not up to date with payments will not be eligible to attend workshops, courses or
4 If cancellation is received 2 weeks prior to workshop/course commencing then full refund, less 10% deposit (if applicable) will be made. No refunds will be given part way through any workshop/course
5 Cancellation of individual modules received 2 weeks prior to course commencing will incur a penalty fee of £35. Failure to attend any given dates without notifying J Pilates will also result in this charge being applied.
6 All sections of the workshop/course must be completed and a successful pass mark achieved in both written and practical assessments where applicable. No certificates will be issued until all elements of training have been completed to the satisfaction of JPilates attempts will be made to provide the student with supplementary training solutions.
7 If JPilates is unable to complete all elements of training within the scheduled time frame, all reasonable attempts will be made to provide the student with supplementary training solutions.
8 Students have 1 year to successfully complete an individual course. Extension to this period is on an
individual review basis and JPilates is under no obligation to grant such requests
9 All bookings must be placed in writing using the relevant registration form(s). Places are not confirmed until forms or payment are received
10 Travel, accommodation and loss of earnings resulting from the attendance of JPilates training are the full responsibility of the student. JPilates under no circumstances accept any liability for these costs.
11 Places are subject to availability. JPilates reserves the right to cancel, withdraw, change or relocate a
workshop/ course within a reasonable time frame. JPilates shall not be held liable for any loss of earnings or expenses as a result of such changes.
12 JPilates can not be held responsible for cancellations caused by circumstances outside of their control.
(i.e. weather, travel issues, strikes etc) JPilates will make reasonable attempts to respond to such situations and achieve a satisfactory resolution.
13 JPilates reserves the right to eject any candidate from a course after an initial verbal warning with no
obligation to reimburse course fees. Dependant on the nature of the incident reasonable attempts may be made to assist the student in completion of training
14 JPilates do not allow use of materials provided for any purpose other than the study of the student. Any
duplication of all or part of the supplied materials is in direct breach of copyright laws and will result in legal proceedings including full reimbursement of all legal costs incurred
15 JPilates workshop/course materials are designed to aid a teacher working with a client. The materials
and its content are in no way intended or deemed to be sufficient for any student to subsequently train fellow teachers. JPilates will under no circumstances vouch for any student who proceeds to train fellow teachers using the course content
commitments guaranteed and such changes will not result in failure to meet certification requirements.
All Content, Filming or Audio copies of this and any event presented in person or online are the sole property of JPilates Limited

I have read, understood and agree to the above terms and conditions. *
Informed Consent, waiver & release of liability

You hereby confirm that you are healthy and that you have no contraindications to participating in our Pilates exercises classes, workshops and online webinars. You recognise that these are exercise workouts and you retain all responsibility for your well-being and of physical health to be able to perform these exercises. As with this and any workout programme,  you should consult your doctor prior to beginning. You are fully aware that all forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. You confirm that you have been cleared to practicing the Pilates Method and you have your physician’s approval join a Pilates workout before beginning this or any other exercise program. If you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity, then you must consult your physician prior to starting our Pilates classes and should not participate in the workshop. This workout is not intended for anyone who is injured, ill or a participant not medically cleared to exercise. Our Pilates webinars are designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. 

I, the client, acknowledge once more all exercise and participation, virtual or in person, is done at my own risk, JPilates Limited is not liable for personal injury. I hereby assume all risks associated with the use of the content, the teaching, the exercises shared during the workshops and webinars. I hereby agree to release JPilates Limited, their staff, their administrators and their management against, any and all claims, including, but not limited to, personal injury, including bodily injury or death, whether or not based on the acts or omission of JPilates Limited by myself. 
The terms and conditions contained herein, along with the Rules and Regulations, constitute the full agreement between JPilates Limited and me, the client, and no oral promises made are a part of it. 

In ticking the box below shows that I have read, agreed and  understood this Informed Consent, Waiver & Release of Liability and it accurately sets forth my intentions and I agree to be bound by its provisions. *
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