Elon SGA Violence Prevention Pilot Registration
The Gender-Based Violence Prevention Pilot was passed unanimously through the Student Government Association to create customized violence prevention programming for different groups on campus. This program will be run on two consecutive weekends in mid-September and will involve a baseline knowledge/discussion session, followed by campus violence prevention action plan design session the next weekend.

Please complete this application for consideration of admission into the pilot cohort. Anyone can apply - we will try our best to admit as many participants as possible. For the program to operate the most effectively, we are only able to accept a limited number students for the general population sessions. This allows for a deeper dive dialogue about these complex topics.

Track A, Session 1: Friday September 10 1:00 - 2:30pm
Track A, Session 2: Friday September 17 1:00 - 2:30pm

Track B, Session 1: Sunday September 12 4:00 - 5:30pm
Track B, Session 2: Sunday September 19 4:00 - 5:30pm

For questions or concerns, contact us at mollymarcotte@marcotteconsulting.org and mcshanemg@gmail.com.  
There will be two opportunities to attend this training. You must attend entirely Track A OR Track B - the second session will be on the same day and time, on week after the first session. Your discussions with your group members from Session 1 build on each other in Session 2, hence maintaining the group members in the same track for both weekends. *
Which track could you attend?
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What is your name? (This is the name you feel comfortable going by, it does not have to be the name you were assigned at birth!) *
What is your email? *
If you feel comfortable sharing, what are your pronouns?
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If your pronouns were not listed in the options above, please feel free to share them here, if you feel comfortable doing so!
How did you hear about this program? *
What does gender based violence prevention mean to you? *
What recommendations do you have for decision makers on campus related to violence prevention and response practices at Elon? *
What groups and organizations are you a part of on campus? *
Please feel free to share any questions you have for us here! We will do our best to address them during the session, or answer them via email, if that feels more comfortable for you.
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