Replaio is not a broadcaster, it is not a hosting service; it does not rebroadcast, store or retransmit radio stations.
Replaio is a web browser that plays publicly available audio content by redirecting the user to the broadcasters' servers and establishing a direct connection to those servers. The user's device connects directly to the public URLs of these servers to play the audio content. The servers are exclusively managed and supervised by the radio station broadcasters.
Users can listen to these radio stations, which they can access in any web browser, using the same public URLs.
Replaio works like other Internet radio devices and apps, such as smart speakers, Internet radio receivers, or Internet radio systems in cars. Replaio connects directly to broadcasters' servers to play audio content, similar to traditional AM or FM radio, which connects directly to broadcasters' transmitters.
If you are the owner or representative of a radio station, please send us detailed information to make changes to our index regarding your station. We respect and honor the rights and decisions of station owners, and we try to respond to all suggestions and requests in the shortest possible time.