Statesman Journal Mid-Valley restaurant tipping customer poll
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What is your age and gender?
How often do you go out to eat?
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How much does your average meal out cost? (one person, tip not included)
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What type of eateries do you tip at?
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What is the lowest percentage you tip?
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What is the highest percentage you tip?
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Do you tip by cash or by card?
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Do you use the tip suggestions provided by the restaurant? If yes, how much? If no, how much do you tip instead?
Do you tip for takeout or to-go meals? If so, how much?  
Do you feel pressured to tip? How often do you feel pressured?
Has restaurant staff ever said anything in response to your tip? In future visits, do you think your tip changed the quality of service?
Which attribute do you weigh most heavily for providing a tip?
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Which attribute has the least influence in determining if you will provide a tip?
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Since the pandemic, has the amount you tip increased or stayed the same? Why?
Do you think most Mid-Valley food and drink establishments ask for fair suggested tips? 
How do you think tipping etiquette has changed recently, if at all?
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