2024 Rustgi South Asian Undergraduate Research Conference: "South Asia in Story”
"South Asia in Story”
April 5th and 6th, 2024
University at Buffalo, SUNY

The University at Buffalo, SUNY, is proud to hold its sixth annual Rustgi Undergraduate Conference on South Asia. We invite papers on the theme  “South Asia in Story,” which may be interpreted broadly in its social and artistic senses. By focusing on South Asian narratives, the organizers hope that participants can offer new perspectives on both global and local issues. 

The 2024 Rustgi conference will feature a keynote lecture by Javaid Tariq, the co-founder of the National Taxi Workers’ Alliance. The National Taxi Workers’ Alliance is an organization that promotes justice for taxi drivers in New York City. In his student years, Javaid Tariq was actively involved in anti-war protests and campaigns. 

We welcome undergraduate participants from all disciplines who are studying South Asia to submit proposals, preferably but not necessarily working on any topic relating to the theme. Possible topics of discussion include: 

  • Depictions of South Asia in Story
  • Origin Myths
  • Diaspora in Art and Media
  • Expressions of Religious Identity
  • Gender Expressions
  • Fashion 
  • Narratives of Health, Illness, and Disability 
  • Political Expression 
  • Names and Identity
  • Burdens of Representation 
  • Propaganda
  • Appropriation
  • Intersectionality 
This list of suggestions is by no means exhaustive. We encourage papers that explore sociopolitical issues, communities, or theories stemming from underrepresented perspectives. We shall organize panels around presentations addressing similar issues that draw from various disciplinary perspectives, including the social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, management, humanities, fine arts, and others.


The conference will be held on Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6, 2024. Student presenters should plan for 15-minute presentations. Each panel will include 30 minutes for discussion.


Proposals, including 250-word abstracts and the contact information of a faculty supervisor, must be submitted by Monday, January 22, 2024.

When submitting abstracts, applicants must affirm that they will be enrolled as undergraduate students at the time of the conference. Those in graduate programs or not currently enrolled in an undergraduate program will not be permitted to present. The organizers reserve the right to confirm student status with their advisor and home institution. 

Funding and Accommodations

We are able to provide a limited number of presenters with a travel subvention of up to US$300. Accepted participants who attend in person will also be provided with individual hotel accommodations. The University at Buffalo cannot provide any additional assistance or guidance to international applicants seeking entry into the United States. 


Please contact southasiaundergradconf@gmail.com for more information about the conference.

To view past conference programs, please visit 

The sixth annual Rustgi South Asian Undergraduate Research Conference is made possible by a generous gift from the families of Dr. Vinod Rustgi and Dr. Anil Rustgi as well as funding from the University at Buffalo Office of International Education

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Conference participants must currently be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program.
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