NRUMC Blessing Initiative Application
Thank you for your interest in NRUMC’s Blessing Initiative. As part of the
grant application process, we’ve provided the Blessing Initiative criteria
which reflect the guidance provided by the fund donors. Please review the
criteria available on If you or your organization qualifies, complete the following application.
Application updated November, 2023
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Email *
Name of Organization *
Address of Organization *
How did you hear about the Blessing Initiative? *
Organization Contact (name, phone, & email) *
Organization Mission Statement *
Website (if applicable)
Organization Tax ID/EIN (if applicable)
NRUMC Champion Contact (if applicable)
Statement of Need
Please include a statement of need (no more than two typed pages) that meets the following criteria:
1. Name and location of ministry
2. A description of how the funds will be used
3. Specific amount requested
4. Please describe the impact of this ministry (e.g. number of people who will be served/impacted; what need will be met)
5. Length of time the funding will last
6. Partnerships with other existing organizations, churches or ministries (if applicable)
7. If this is an existing ministry, describe how it is currently funded and supported with volunteers
8. Plan for evaluation of effectiveness of project/ministry to include specific measures of success
9. How the ministry will continue beyond this funding (if applicable)
10.  Please include a copy of your most recent financial statements

NRUMC/Community Engagement
1. Please describe how the NRUMC church family can help participate/support this project.
2. How many people would you anticipate participating?
3. Is there an opportunity to engage members of the community outside of our congregation?
Additional Information
Please add any other comments you feel are important for the committee to consider:
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