3rd PULCHRA Workshop “Cities and Climate Change: new challenges for education at the school level”  Monday 7 November 2022
Registration for the  3rd PULCHRA Workshop  “Cities and Climate Change: new challenges for education at the school level”
The workshop will be hybrid and will be held on Monday 7 November 2022, in person at Cultural Center Kostis Palamas, 48, Akadimias str. & Sina str., 105 62 Athens and online via Webex platform.
In case of any questions, please contact Thalia Mavrakou, thmavrakou@phys.uoa.gr or Tasos Polydoros, apoly@phys.uoa.gr 

This project is organized by the PULCHRA project funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme  
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