BFI Film Academy - Taster & Application Sessions
PLEASE complete the details in this form and select the date and time when you would like to attend ONE of our Taster & Application sessions.

Once we receive your details we will be back in touch to confirm shortly afterwards.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about this form or our BFI Film Academy, please contact:
Michelle Fox, Programme Director
0191 580 7000
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Please tell us your full name:
Date of Birth
Address & Postcode
Contact telephone number, if you have one:
Please tell us the name of a parent or carer we can contact in the case of an emergency:
Please tell us if this person is:
Please tell us their contact number:
Our Taster & Application sessions take place at Skills for People, 4 Glendale Terrace, Byker, NE6 1PB.       

Please select the session you would like to attend: 
Do you identify as having a disability?
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Our Support Coordinator, Johanna Smith will contact you to discuss any access or communication support you may need, prior to attending the session. You can also tell us more about you, here:
There are 12 FREE places available on our BFI Film Academy.

ALL of our Film Academy workshops will take place on the following dates in Newcastle upon Tyne, from 10am - 3pm, unless otherwise specified:

1) Fri 1st November
2) Sat 2nd Nov
3) Sat 9 Nov
4) Sat 16 Nov
5) Sat 23 Nov - filming days: 10am - 5pm
6) Sun 24 Nov  - filming days: 10am - 5pm
7) Sat 30 Nov
8) Sat 7 December

If you are unable to attend any of these dates, please tell us which ones below.
If you are interested in finding out about our ACCESS & TRAVEL bursaries, please tell us below and we will get in touch with you to discuss further:
How did you find out about our BFI Film Academy:
Do you agree that we can hold the personal information you give us on file, according to our Data Protection Policy?
Thank you for completing this form.
PLEASE submit now!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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