Icon Dedication Form
"Let Us be Good & Faithful Servants"
Icons are listed by location within the church, please select the one(s) you would like to dedicate from the drop down menus. Icons will be dedicated on a first come, first served basis. Ones that are fully dedicated are noted as such.
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I would like to dedicate an icon in the Altar
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I would like to dedicate an icon on the ceiling
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I would like to dedicate an icon in the choir loft
Due to the unusual architectural features of the loft, the full programme will be completed after measurements are taken
I would like to dedicate an icon in the cupola
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I would like to dedicate an icon on the North wall
North refers to Liturgical North - the left side of the church when facing the altar.
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I would like to dedicate an icon on the South wall
South refers to Liturgical South - the right side of the church when facing the altar.
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I would like to dedicate the icon(s) in loving memory to
Please list all names as you wish them to appear in the commemorative iconography book.
I would like to dedicate the icon(s) to the health and honor of
Please list all names as you wish them to appear in the commemorative iconography book.
I would like to pledge to full amount of the icon
I would like to pledge a different amount
Please indicate amount in the "Other" check box location
Total Amount Pledged
Pledges may be paid over a three year period, with completion of pledge by December 2021
Your name *
Phone number *
Email *
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