#UPChafee: Urge Congress to Support Older Youth from Foster Care During COVID-19
TAKE ACTION - and sign onto a letter to Congress!

We are seeking support from national, state and local organizations and individuals dedicated to improving the well-being of young people in and from foster care to sign on to a letter urging Congress to act swiftly to provide crucial supports to older youth facing the stress and disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advocates have developed a series of legislative recommendations to be included in the next federal COVID-19 relief bill (see letter below). Congressional leaders need to HEAR FROM YOU - their constituents - to understand the urgency and importance of taking action to support older youth.  

Please consider signing on to this letter ASAP.


Thank you!

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The Letter to Congress
Want to know who helped put the recommendations together?
Center for the Study of Social Policy
Children’s Advocacy Institute
Children’s Defense Fund
Children’s Rights
Child Welfare League of America
Foster Care Alumni of America
Juvenile Law Center
National Center for Housing and Child Welfare
Partners for Our Children
Youth Law Center
Youth Villages

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