FLOW Fellow Application Form - 2025 Term
Future Leaders of Ocean Worlds fellows are responsible for engaging early career scientists in the NASA ocean world community. Fellows work directly with the Network of Ocean Worlds to organize networking events and scientific workshops that create opportunities for early career scientists. The roles and responsibilities are listed below. Two people serve in each role. Fellows comprise the FLOW committee and are expected to work together to achieve the objectives of their fellowship term. Early career researchers are encouraged to apply, including undergrads, grad students, postdocs, and junior faculty (or equivalent). 

If you are interested in applying for a FLOW fellow role, please submit this application by January 6th, 2025. FLOW fellows will be selected by election with the broader FLOW community. Elections will start on January 10th, 2025, and run until January 24th, 2025. The new FLOW fellows will be announced on January 31st, 2025.



Meeting and organization structure:

Fellow organizational meetings held once every 4 weeks with a focus on planning events and coordinating with NOW

Each elected officer is expected to help with shared committee responsibilities. Some responsibilities will be assigned to specific members for the duration of the term (e.g. social media management)

No more than 2 events per month to prevent burnout

Meetings should be leadership/decision-based rather than report-out-based

Fellow Roles & Responsibilities - 

12-month positions elected in December to start January


Role: Co-Leads (2 people)

Description of responsibilities: oversee committee progress, delegate tasks, run meetings, event planning, attend NOW meetings. If neither lead can attend NOW meetings, any of the fellows can attend in their place. Maintain working relationships and communication with NOW leads. Coordinate with NOW leads on large-scale events.

Expected time commitment: 4-8 hours/month each


Responsibility: Social and Conference Organization (2 people)

Description of responsibilities:  Facilitate in-person gatherings at conferences (e.g., meals, social gatherings, etc.) and coordinate with other relevant early-career groups. When no fellow is attending a given conference, assign FLOW members who are attending and assist with coordinating the conference event. Plan social events at least twice per year (happy hours, writing groups, game nights, etc.).

Expected time commitment: 2-10 hours/person/event, depending on event/conference size


Responsibility: Communications (2 people)

Description of responsibilities:

Social media: Manage social media profiles (Bluesky, Twitter/X, LinkedIn). Promote FLOW presentations and talks at conferences and events through social media.

NOW monthly highlights: Send Kathryn Pietro monthly early-career highlights for the NOW newsletter. Re-share the NOW newsletter to FLOW.

Expected time commitment: 3 hours/month


Responsibility: Promote inclusivity (all fellows)

Length of Term: 1 year

Description of responsibilities: Organize outreach efforts and evaluate opportunities to improve DEIA in FLOW. Examples of outreach efforts include: preparing a SCoPE proposal, outreach event with the community at a conference/workshop, virtual outreach events, etc.

Email *
Name *
First preference fellow role you are applying for. *
If applicable, second preference fellow role you are applying for. Select NA if not applying for additional roles.
If applicable, third preference fellow role you are applying for. Select NA if not applying for additional roles.
Please provide a summary up to 350-words of yourself and your motivation for becoming a FLOW fellow. Include your current affiliation, career level, a brief description of your research and its relevance to ocean worlds, and other information you want to share. *
Please provide a summary up to 350-words of how you have engaged or plan to engage with the Future Leaders of Ocean Worlds and/or the Network of Ocean Worlds. Additionally, outline the qualifications and skills you believe will help you succeed in the fellow role(s) you are applying for. *
Acknowledgment of Commitment
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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