Muscles & Mindset Application Form
Welcome to the Muscles & Mindset Application form.

It is our passion and mission to change the narrative around women, fitness and food from diet culture to food freedom and help women build strong bodies they are confident in through MINDSET WORK & SELF-GROWTH. It is our PASSION as coaches to help you finally achieve RESULTS.

We have helped 100s of women with our proven Muscles & Mindset Method.

This application is your first step towards committing to your success.

Please take 4-5 minutes COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW in as much detail as possible so we can be prepared for a consultation call with you..

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Email *
First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
What is your Instagram @ handle?
When is your birthday? *
What is your job / How do you spend your days?
Who are you applying to M&M through?
What is your main fitness/nutrition goal?

What do you hope that M&M can help you achieve?
What is the motivation behind your fitness and health goals?

What is driving you to achieve this goal and what is your desired outcome?
What do you believe is holding you back from feeling your best and being successful with your health, fitness and lifestyle goals?
How do you believe working with the Muscles & Mindset Team will benefit your health and fitness goals?
Fast forward 12 months from now >>
Where do you want to see yourself?

How has your life changed? HOW DO YOU FEEL?

What does your life look like?

What does your physique look and feel like?
What does your current meal and exercise routine look like?
Do you have any medical conditions/hormonal imbalances that you are aware of? (Include pregnancy, breastfeeding, hysterectomies, menopause, perimenopause, & thyroid conditions.)
The Muscles & Mindset Team has coaches that specialize in certain areas of health. We want to pair you with the best coach based on your personality and needs. Do you understand that you may be assigned to the coach who serves you best?

Coach Anne has a role in every client's journey by overseeing protocols.

You will be fully supported by everyone inside M&M.
Have you worked with fitness or nutrition coaches before?

If so, please explain your experience!
The Muscles & Mindset team is extremely dedicated to our clients' success and wants you to have the absolute BEST RESULTS. Do you understand that it is up to YOU to do the work? We only work with women who are dedicated to a sustainable, fit lifestyle and who are willing to go the distance.

Are you currently in that place? If not, what is holding you back?
Why did you choose the Muscles and Mindset Team? *
On a scale of 1-10...1 being 'I'm satisfied with where I am' and 10 being 'I'm READY to take action & do anything to reach my goal.' What number are you? *
Fitness, Mindset and Nutrition Coaching are investments in your long-term health and fitness.
This transformational experience is offered as a 6 week, 6 month or 12-month commitment.

The 12-month commitment starts at $400 CAD per month.

The 6-month starts at $500 CAD per month.

If you decide to invest your tuition in full, you can save up to 20%.

Are you financially and energetically ready to make the investment to work together?
Do you require a conversation with another individual about the financial aspect of investing in coaching prior to an enrollment call?
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