Downtown Congestion Pricing Study: Request a Community Presentation
The Transportation Authority's project team is offering presentations to community groups who would like to learn about our downtown congestion pricing study and provide feedback. If you would like to set up a presentation for your group, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

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Full name of organization representative
Organization name *
Primary contact email address *
Primary contact phone number *
Would you like to receive email updates on the Downtown Congestion Pricing Study?
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Does your membership have any language or accessibility needs? *
Because of shelter-in-place, we are offering virtual presentations on video conferencing services like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, or over the phone. Does this work for you?
Does your group have any preliminary questions or concerns about this study that you would like our team to address during the presentation?
Would you like to co-host this presentation with other organizations in your community? If so, what group(s)?
We generally reserve 40-60 minutes for our presentation (~20 minutes to present, and ~20 minutes for Q&A). We can provide an abbreviated presentation if you have time constraints. How much time does your organization have to hear our team present and provide feedback? *
Please provide up to three potential dates and times where our team may present to your organization in April or May 2021. Let us know what time of day works best (morning, afternoon, or evening). *
Please share any additional information here:
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