SEPTLA Scholarship Application
This application is for a SEPTLA grant to attend the ATLA Annual Conference. It is not limited to professionals.
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Scholarship Criteria:
 - A maximum of one grant will be awarded per year.
- The fixed amount of the scholarship/grant for the ATLA Annual Meeting is $300.
- Preference will be given to individuals attending the ATLA Annual Conference for the first time and presenters.
- Recipient will be required to share conference highlights during a SEPTLA meeting or webinar.
- Application deadline for the next award is April 8, 2020.
Applicant's Name *
Applicant's Job Title *
School/Library Name *
Applicant's Supervisor *
Applicant's Address (street, city, state, zip) *
Phone number *
Email address *
Please confirm that you intend to register for and attend the 2020 ATLA Annual Conference in Detroit, Michigan and have the appropriate travel documentation. *
Will this be your first ATLA Annual Conference? *
Are you scheduled to present or speak at the ATLA Annual Conference? *
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