TOPIA Fest 2024: Showcase Submission Form
TOPIA envisions a future for our community that is energized by the fusion of art and cutting-edge technology to illuminate a path towards a positive and inspiring future. This festival is not just an event;  it's a celebration of the unconventional, a fight against the mundane. It unites creativity, education, and innovation, fostering a space where imagination knows no bounds.

Space will be outdoors under a tent and power will be provided.

This is a perfect space for new and upcoming artists and those who have a niche they have been passionate about for years, but haven't found space to share it with others.

If you are interested joining the showcase, please complete this form. Priority is given to those who have submitted by July 25.
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Email *
Name (primary contact) *
Phone Number *
Names of any contributing artists & contact information as appropriate.
Describe what you would like to do. *
TOPIA will host a variety of artists. Please select any of the following criteria that apply to your installation, so that we can better understand how best to incorporate your work.
Space Requirements: This should include size and space requirements to display your work. How much time does it take to set up? Please include the technical information and system requirements as well as what you require festival organizers to require. *
Any additional information that would be helpful for us?
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