advovation Team Consultancy Assessment
This Consultancy questionnaire is designed for teams based in New Zealand/Aotearoa and Australia. It's a quick 5-10 minute form, depending on detail provided in the answers. Some questions are optional, but the more detail share, the more valuable our initial summary review will be. 
If you would prefer to meet to walk through this initial information, get in touch at | +64 27 836 1521
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Email *

Company Name


Mobile/Contact Number

What is your city and postcode? *
Where does your team require training to take place
What country are you in? *
This relates to where you would like the training to take place
Industry and Sector *
Industry and sector your team operates in

Team Introduction

A brief overview of your team and core functions

Team dynamics

Share insights and details about the size, diversity, and roles within the team

Goals from partnership

Main objectives you're aiming to achieve with advovation

Future vision

What are the 12-24 month goals for the team?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

What metrics or goals does your team use to measure success?
Focus Areas for Development *
Tick all that apply. Don't worry, we can refine this list later. General solutions overview can be found here
Current Challenges *
Are there any specific challenges your team is currently facing?
Decision-Making Process
How are decisions typically made within your team?

Team Culture and Values

What are the core values or cultural aspects of your team?

Communication Styles

What channels/platforms does your team typically use to communicate and collaborate? 

Past Team Development and Success Stories

What previous training initiatives, achievements, or milestones are important to your team?

Feedback mechanisms

How does your team give and receive feedback?

Learning Preferences

What are the preferred methods/greatest impact or formats for training (e.g., workshops, virtual sessions)?

Timeline Preferences

When does your organisation want to start this journey with advovation?

Desired outcomes and expectations

What changes or improvements do you want from advovation training?
Last words
Any other comments, details, or needs specific to your organisation and team
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